Monday, August 18, 2008

How to protect my skin and hair

I use Clean & Clear Deep Pore Cleanser, Nivea Whitening Tone,
Olay White Radiance Intensive Eye Britening Serum
to protect my skin.
As for me, whitening is the most important steps, especially in Asian women.
Most of the Asian women are not suitable to have golden brown skin.
It usually looks dirty and uneven colour. (My opinion la!)
Olay product really helps me when I start to use
Olay White Radiance Intensive Whitening Cream for day use.
Everytime I went back from marching during secondary school life,
Olay products help me to be fair again in a few months time.
Now, I become Olay product loyal fans!
For the hair care product,
I found that Loreal ELSEVE works on many people around me.
Almost all the gals with rebonding hair use these products,
just different series.
Usually use orange colour series for damage repair.
yellow colours for split ends,
and pink colour for silky mirror effect, smoothening your hair...
I also use its serum to repair damage hair (orange colour bottle).
non-sticky, odourless...
LUNASOL haircare products also quite effective with reasonable price below RM20,
I use the stratening serum (RM16++) and pre-curl water (RM 12.90)...